Conference Schedule
The meeting will take place in Cancun, Mexico, because it is an attractive location for participants, it is affordable, there are special rates to fly to this location, it is located close for participants from developing countries, it is easily accessed from many international locations, it is friendly to travelers, and the visa process in Mexico is fast and open for most nationalities.
Sessions will run in the same manner as a Gordon Research Conference, with morning sessions from 8:00 am–12:00 pm and evening sessions from 5:00–9:00 pm. This setting will allow planning for collaborative activities or visits to local attractions, which will be scheduled from 12:00–5:00 pm. (Note: funds from NSF will NOT be used for trips to local attractions; the participants will cover those with personal funds). It is anticipated that the participants will be able to engage in scientific collaborations and work on future projects during that time. This kind of setting will also promote trips and small seed projects for international and national links from the income that could result from extra registration fees.
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